Description: Living in the era of climate change and in a world full of technology we want to introduce our students to technology-based solutions to climate change and solutions to climate change resistance. Through international collaboration students will create proposals for solutions for climate change resistant schoolyards. We will participate in Earth Day activities and introduce our students to the impact of plastic to climate change. The project is aligned with the GreenComp framework – The European sustainability competence framework and the DigComp 2.2 – The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. In addition, the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a part of this project. Using the possibilities of eTwinning, students will get to know schools from other countries, work on more collaborative activities, develop English language skills and apply what they have learned about eSafety.
● to learn about SDGs and climate change
● to understand the importance and possibilities of climate change resistance solutions
● generating ideas to adapt schoolyards to be climate change resistant
● to improve foreign language skills (English)
● to develop students’ and teachers’ teamwork and communication skills
● to increase the awareness of the connection between nature conservation, climate change and technology
● to learn the use of some Web 2.0 tools and develop creativity skills and collaboration through the use of Web 2.0 tools
● to develop students skills of critical thinking
● to develop the DigComp 2.2 competences
● to develop the GreenComp framework competences, especially Area 1. Embodying sustainability values, competence 1.3 Promoting nature; Area 2. Embracing complexity in sustainability, competence 2.3 Problem framing; Area 3. Envisioning sustainable futures; competence 3.3 Exploratory thinking; Area 4. Acting for sustainability; competence 4.2 Collective action and 4.3 Individual initiative
Global Goals Week 2023: Be a Fact-ivist Posters
My students became facivistsand got enthusiastic about it!
Here there are their posters based on the 17SDGS!!!

October- November
CREATION OF a collaborative e-book “Technology – Based Solutions to Climate Change” online with FlipHTML5.

- CREATION OF COLLABORATIVE GAMES!!!( online games based on the content of our collaborative e-book)
Technology – based solutions to climate change (

Schoolyard photos and sketch of the ground plan Aristotelio College from our students’eyes!!!


2)Collaborative activity “Schoolyards resistant to the effects of climate change“: Schools from other countries proposed changes in partners’ schoolyard, something that can help to make the schoolyard resistant to the effects of climate change.
We have proposed to IES Ftàrrega
Vila-Real, Spain school and we have prepared a powerpoint presentation.

1)Creation of a collaborative e-book as the final part of the “Schoolyards resistant to the effects of climate change” activity. For this activity, you will add content to our collaborative ebook by choosing a certain topic.
our part:


“Planting a tree on Earth Day holds profound significance in our collective effort to combat climate change and preserve our planet’s biodiversity. Trees act as Earth’s lungs, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thereby helping to mitigate global warming. They also provide critical habitats for wildlife, support water cycles by preventing soil erosion, and contribute to the beauty and tranquility of our landscapes. By planting a tree today, you contribute to a greener, more sustainable future, setting an example for others and reinforcing the importance of environmental stewardship. It’s a small action with a big impact, reminding us that every individual has the power to make a positive difference for the planet we all share!!!”

“Earth Day celebrations have already started to Aristotelio College!!! Within the framework of our Skills class and our e-twinning project “Living with the Climate Change,” our students engaged in various activities aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices. This included welcoming a guest forest ranger from the Forest Administration, who delivered an enlightening speech about forests and the value of trees, particularly in urban areas, in the context of the global movement to mitigate climate change. Following this inspiring talk, our students participated in an environmental program organized at the “Seich-Sou” Forest. This program involved a nature walk and provided valuable knowledge about the flora, fauna, and history of the area.Finally, we ascended to the “Kranos” Fire Protection Unit, where we gleaned a richer appreciation for the significance of volunteerism and compassion in safeguarding our community. Moreover, we collected compelling experiences and insights concerning the value of collaborative effort and commitment to the collective welfare.These hands-on experiences, integrated into our curriculum and Earth Day celebrations, were designed to deepen our understanding of climate change and inspire us to take meaningful action to protect our planet.Stay tuned cause something great is on the way!!!“
3) “How to reduce plastic in our school?“, creation of the school plan for plastic reduction (posters) and online game “Plastic-free Earth”.